Dead Lifting For this week’s newsletter, we have decided to go down a bit of a different route in terms of a ‘focus’. We will be providing you with STRNGRL’S exercise of the week with lots of tips, tricks and advice!

So, what a better way to start off than by picking my ultimate FAVOURITE EXERCISE!

If you haven’t implemented deadlifting into your weightlifting program yet, then you might want to after I share with you some of the great benefits of performing them for us ladies!

What muscles do you work?


Whether, you’re going for a generic romanian stance or a sumo, this baby is going to activate your glutes in all sorts of ways ❤️, not to mention your adductors (inner thighs), hamstrings, your entire posterior chain (make up of back muscles), traps, grip strength, core.. the list is endless!

So, if you’re looking for an exercise that targets the most amount of muscle mass in one move. The deadlift is your answer.

“Using that many muscles has a powerful [anabolic] effect on the body,” explains Rob Sulaver, CSCS, founder of Bandana Training in New York. “When you lift heavy, intensely and aggressively, you create a hormonal environment that’s great for both strength gains and fat loss.”

While everyone’s go-to for a good lower body exercise tends to be squats, this exact movement demands rather a lot of mobility in many areas and advanced skill to perform at its highest effort.

Furthermore, the deadlift is a nice safe way (as long as taught and performed correctly) to introduce even novices to moving heavy weights.

5 key benefits…

Deadlifts bring many benefits; including:

  1. Strengthening your core stabilising muscles
  2. Improving your hormone production
  3. Burning more calories and reducing body fat
  4. Preventing pain and injuries
  5. Improving endurance


Looking to improve your form?

Have a look at our latest reel (by clicking the button below), this reel will teach you exactly what you need to know in order to be able to perform a deadlift correctly and safely.

You can also book onto any of our STRNGRL Weights classes for just £10 per session, where we run through form and technique on weighted exercises such as deadlifts!

My advice to you…

Women, today are unfortunately still made to believe that they are not strong enough. They are told that they should pick the smallest dumbbells and nothing else.

They are also made to believe that if they lift weights that are heavier than 10kg, they will become muscle bound beasts. But this is not true – trust me.

The actual fact is that, if you want to get a beautiful, well-toned body with strong muscles, then exercises such as deadlifts are undoubtedly the best option for you.